Opening Touring Hudson Museum 1:15  Houthem

Betsy Zooi – Bijzondere Zaken/Betsy Zooi – Bijzondere Zaken

Installatie 2018, Rotterdam

Man in de Eik

Installatie, Hedendaagse Hermitages voor  ‘In Quarantaine – hedendaagse  hermitages’ door Kunsteiland, Rotterdam

Tour de Phare

Een rondleiding met Lopend Vuurtje door vuurtoren het Hooge Licht in het Nederlands Kustverlichtingsmuseum, Hoek van Holland.

Acht vitrines met kleine beeldende kunst installaties leggen een relatie met de vaste collectie van het museum.
24 mei 2014  tot begin 2015

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Hudson Museum Kunstvlaai

Kunstproject in de SAM decorfabriek Maastricht september 2013.

Voor en door studenten van de  ABKMaastricht. Idee en begeleiding Art Rock Foundation.

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Familie Archief

— beeld archief —

1960 / 1975 / 2012

A large collection of drawn, imaginary families from the ’60s -‘ 70s is the starting point for the artproject the Family Archive. An image archive of family groups, villages and other forms of society. The human and animal families were designed by eight children in the period from 1960 to 1975.
A research from the perspective of visual art to the origin of making drawings and story telling. A journey through a parallel universe of paper to the digital present where new artists signed to contribute to the New Family Archive.

The art project has covered a period of three years and included three exhibitions, an art publication, workshops and several spinn off activities such as a memory game, a video report, artist talks.


Concordia Enschede  (2013)

Het Familie Archief, onderdeel van de expositie ‘Vaders en Moeders’

    foto’s Roderik Rotting


Museum Rotterdam (2012)

A presentation of the Family Archive was affiliated to the exhibition Familie in het Schielandhuis – Museum Rotterdam.

In the exhibition Familie, Erasmus MC and Erasmus University Rotterdam presented scientific research about -family- in the broadest sense of the word to the public.


Workshop Family Archive

families sign in the Dubbelde Palmboom, Rotterdam 2012


Villa Zebra Rotterdam (2011)

Het Familie Archief, part of the exhibition ‘Fathers and Mothers’

photo’s Art Collart